Investigating Students’ Attitudes Male and Female Toward Arabic And English Textbooks In Madrasah Tsanawiyah


  • Arisman University of Bengkulu
  • Safnil University of Bengkulu


Students’ Attitudes male and female, English textbook, Arabic textbook


The primary goal of this research is to investigate students' attitudes toward Arabic and English textbooks in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). The sample of this study was the first class consisted of 35 males and 65 females, while the second class consisted of 30 males and 46 females. The subject of this study is English textbooks used by teachers in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). The design of this study is a quantitative and qualitative approach. Data for the study were gathered by a survey questionnaire and an interview. However, the overall results show that English textbooks surpass Arabic textbooks in terms of ease of access and use, print and design quality, provision of visual and graphic images, provision of activities and exercises, and content quality. The article offers significant modifications and improvements in the development and publication of Arabic textbooks. The study's findings indicate the necessity for significant modifications and improvements in the development and publication of Arabic textbooks.


