The Use of Appeals in Research Article Introductions in Scopus Indexed Indonesian Journals


  • Mardi Juansyah Universitas Bengkulu
  • Safnil Asryad Universitas Bengkulu


research article introduction, claiming centrality, appeal


Claiming centrality as one of the steps in establishing territory is a recognizable step to promote the topic of research. The examination on the strategies used in claiming centrality is considerably important as guidance for authors who intend to publish articles in Scopus indexed journals. This study aims to identify appealing strategies in research article introduction written by Indonesian authors published in Scopus indexed Indonesian journals. Thirty research article introductions were selected from three reputable Indonesian journals indexed by Scopus with Quartile 1 and Quartile 2 value. The qualitative method with discourse analysis was employed in this research to identify claiming centrality step based Swales’s (1990) and the appealing strategies based on Wang and Yang’s (2015). The result shows that all four appealing strategies are used by authors in the three Scopus indexed Indonesian journals. The appeal of topicality was the dominant use for promotional research topics, followed by appeal of problematicity. The result of this research can give valuable information for other Indonesian researchers in linguistics and language subjects on how to write claiming centrality steps in research article introductions if they tend to publish the articles in the Scopus indexed Indonesian journal.


Keywords: research article introduction, claiming centrality, appeal


